Ford FE Intake Manifold ID

Intake Manifold ID & Application
Part Number Engine Year Type Material

Bore Diameters

Port Sizes


Primary Secondary Width Height
C1AE-9424-A 352 1960-61 2V Dual Iron 1.60 1.16 2.14
C3AZ-9424-F 352 1962-63 2V Dual Iron 1.60 1.16 2.14 1/4 inch Temp sending unit
C4AZ-9424-A 352/390 1963-64 2V Dual Iron 1.60 1.16 2.14 1/8 inch Temp sending unit
C4AZ-9424-B 382/390 1963-64 4V Dual Iron 1.60 1.60 1.16 2.14 1/8 inch Temp sending unit
C6AZ-9424-D 390 1965-67 2V Dual Iron 1.60 1.16 2.75
C9AZ-9424-E 390 1968-70 2V Equal Iron 1.60 1.16 1.82
C1AE-9424-B 352/390 1960-61 4V Dual Iron 1.60 1.60 1.16 2.14
C3AZ-9424-E 390 1962-63 4V Dual Iron 1.60 1.60 1.16 2.14
C9ZZ-9424-A 352/390 1965-69 4V Equal Iron 1.70 1.60 1.16 1.82
C3AZ-9424-C 352/390/406 1960-63 4V Dual Aluminum 1.62 1.72 1.16 2.14
C3AZ-9424-D 390/406 1961-63 6V Single Aluminum 1.56 all 1.16 2.14
C3SZ-9424-A 390 SPL 1962-63 6V Dual Aluminum 1.56 all 1.16 2.14
C8AZ-9424-C 390/410/428 Std 1967-68 4V Dual Iron 1.60 1.60 1.16 1.75
C3AZ-9424-J 427 LR 1963-64 4V Dual Aluminum 1.72 1.72 1.14 2.20
C4AE-9424-G 427 HR ALL 4V Dual Aluminum 1.72 1.72 1.24 2.60 for the 780 cfm Holley carb, dual plan
C6AZ-9424-M 427 MR 1968 4V Equal Aluminum (2) 1.78 x 2.50 Oval 1.24 1.94 Before 11/1/1966
Best all round intake, single four barrel, sidewinder design
C8AX-9424-B 427 TP ALL 4V Single Aluminum Rounded Tunnel Ports, single plane, single four barrel
C5AZ-9424-C 427 LR 1963-65 8V Dual Aluminum 1.62 all 1.14 2.20
C8AX-9424-A 427 MR ALL 8V Single Aluminum 1.72 all 1.24 1.94 Single plane, dual four, tunnel type,
C5AZ-9424-G 427 MR 1967 8V Equal Aluminum 1.72 all 1.24 1.94 Dual plane, dual four barrel
C4AE-9424-F 427 HR ALL 8V Dual Aluminum 1.62 all 1.24 2.60 dual plane, dual four barrel
C7OE-9424-A 427 TP ALL 8V Single Aluminum (2) 3.75 x3.75 Square 2.20 2.05 Rounded Tunnel Ports, single plane, dual four barrel
C7OE-9424-B 427 TP ALL 8V Dual Aluminum 1.72 all 2.20 2.05 Rounded Tunnel Ports, dual plane, dual four barrel, strip or street
C6AZ-9424-H 428 PI 1966-69 4V Dual Aluminum (2) 1.78 x 2.50 Oval 1.24 1.94 Second best intake, single four barrel, Police Interceptor 428 model, the cast iron model is the same just 55 lbs. heavier
C8OZ-9424-B 428 PI
428 CJ/SCJ
4V Dual Iron 1.60 1.70 1.24 1.94


LR = Low riser

MR = Medium riser

HR = High riser

TP = Tunnel Port

PI = Police Interceptor

CJ = Cobra Jet

SCJ = Super Cobra Jet

Source of information: Ford Performance: includes all modern Ford performance engines by Pat Ganahl a great book of Ford engines.

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