1967 Shelby Mustang Color Chart

The 1967 Shelby Mustang had the color of the exterior in the VIN number assigned to it at Shelby American. Seven numbers from the left was a numeral that indicated the color code. Just right of this numeral was a letter indicating the interior color. However, the first 89 cars did not have a color code indicated.  

Mustang Color Code Color Name DuPont
1 V Bronze Metallic 4793 22749
2 K Dark Blue 4780 13076 A-1780
3 A Raven Black 88 9000
4 M Wimbledon White 4480 8378 A-1633
5 Y Dark Moss Green 4788 43567 A-1879
6 4** Metallic Gray 4733 32520
7 I Lime Gold 4790 43576 A-1882
8 Q Brittany Blue 4813 13619 A-1643
9 T Candyapple Red 4737 71528 A-1782R
0 D Acapulco Blue 4857 13357 A-1935

The interior options were A for black vinyl and U for the White or Parchment vinyl. Either interior color was available with any exterior color.  For the September production only the first five colors were scheduled. Starting with car 0099 Red, Gray and Lime Gold were offered. Car 0288 was the beginning of Brittany Blue. Acapulco Blue was not offered until the final third of the production.

The R-M number was the brand of paint used on the Mustangs destined to be Shelby Mustangs at the San Jose Ford plant. Later model Shelby Mustangs were painted with Ditzler paints. The R-M stands for Rinished-Mason paints.

**Metallic Gray was not a Mustang color, it was Gray # 1900, a 1967 Thunderbird color. This is the only color that was unique to Shelby Mustangs. "Special Dark Metallic Gray" was also called Dark Gray Metallic and Medium Gray Metallic.

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